Anahita Anais

Trauma, Resilience, and Plant Medicines

Anahita teaches individuals how to consciously explore psychedelic microdosing in combination with a wide range of cutting-edge integrative modalities to attune their body, mind, and spirit for optimal health, balance, and alignment.

She is also one of the core faculty at The Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification program, designed to empower plant medicine people to grow their thriving vocation in the Psychedelic Renaissance.

In this talk, she shares some of the most effective approaches she applies when working with trauma, as well as leveraging the power of microdosing psychedelics for healing trauma.

You will discover:

  • How microdosing can help heal trauma
  • How to start integrative microdosing for trauma
  • What complimentary practice can support microdosing for trauma

About Anahita Anais

Anahita Anais Parseghian is an Integrative Trauma Healing Expert, Microdosing Mentor, and Attunement Coach. Anahita’s expertise is rooted in her 10+ years of working with ancient wisdom traditions, and as a medicine woman, a resilience expert, and a product leader in the tech sector. She is trained and certified in Mental Health Integrative Medicine, various Somatic Trauma Therapy techniques, Positive Intelligence, and Holistic Chronic Pain Coaching.

Where to Find Anahita Anais

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>> Microdosing For Resilience Webinar <<

In this FREE webinar, you'll discover:

  • Why We Get Triggered & What We Can Do to Override this
  • Three Ways Microdosing Supports Resilience
  • Simple Practices To Disrupt Response Patterns

get coaching from Anahita

>> Integrative Trauma Healing Journey <<

Tier 1: The Integrative Trauma healing Journey is a private journey of empowerment, healing, and radical transformation. Anahita curates and crafts a personalized integrative plan informed and supported by the client's biometrics to heal the nervous system through a body and spirit-oriented attunement approach and empower them to become an active operator of their nervous system.

Tier 2: Personalized Integrative Microdosing Protocol: a personalized integrative plan to balance, heal, and support your nervous system health. This comprehensive plan includes tested and proven supplemental, dietary, fitness, lifestyle, microdosing, and stacking recommendations for healing and optimizing the nervous system in service to your mental health, cognitive performance, and creative expression.

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