Kristyn Caetano

Organic Marketing Secrets for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Kristyn Caetano

Kristyn is an Intuitive Business Mentor and Founder of EVOLVE Entrepreneur Academy, with more than 15 years of experience as a Certified Coach, and 30 years as a Holistic Practitioner.

In this talk, she shares tips on how spiritual healers and coaches can leverage the power of organic marketing to create and grow a profitable business that they LOVE.

You will discover:

  • The #1 non-negotiable strategy that you must have in order to succeed in your sacred business.
  • 3 secrets for how to make marketing EASY (and it may not be what you think)
  • The most common mistakes spiritual entrepreneurs make, and what to do instead

About Kristyn Caetano

Kristyn has taught hundreds of Spiritual Coaches & Visionary Healers how to create more income and impact through their sacred business.

As a Holistic Practitioner for 30 years, and Certified Coach for more than 15 years, Kristyn truly understands what it takes to thrive.

Her unique programs combine savvy business-building strategies WITH powerful mindset tools (and lots of love) to help her clients overcome blocks, find clarity, and create unlimited success.

Where to Find Kristyn Caetano


IG: kristynjcaetano

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>>Spiritual Business Bundle<< Discover Kristyn’s simple yet potent secrets to sell out your services with soulmate clients, and create a profitable business in a way that feels heart-centered and fully aligned.

Sign up for Kristyn's immersive training program

>>Sacred Business Builder<<

Sacred Business Builder gives you a proven, step-by-step system to build your profitable dream business. In this immersive training program you will:

  • Get hands-on, personalized support and expert coaching to help you fill your 1:1 practice or group programs fast.
  • Grow your audience with focused action steps and soulful strategy that align with your unique business situation.
  • Receive energetic practices, mindset tools, and hypnosis meditations to help you create the success you desire.

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