Liam Farquhar

Rebranding Trauma: Why We Need a Change of Perspective

Liam is an ex-Big 4 management consultant who bridges the worlds of science and spirituality. Liam is a legal psychedelic guide who works with a unique trauma-informed, holistic, and relational model called the "7 Lens" approach, which he himself developed.

In this talk, he shares about how various “disorders”, including depression and anxiety, might actually be symptoms of unresolved trauma responses, and offers three revolutionary trauma-informed interventions that address the root cause.

You will discover:

  • What trauma is and isn’t, and how various “disorders”, including depression and anxiety, might actually be symptoms of unresolved trauma responses
  • The limitations of how we “get well” in the West
  • Three revolutionary trauma-informed interventions that address the root cause

About Liam Farquhar

Liam is a London-based legal psychedelic guide, working with psilocybin truffles in Amsterdam where psilocybin is legal. He's also a psychedelic preparation & integration specialist, therapeutic coach, and a men’s group work facilitator.

Liam adopts a trauma-informed, holistic, and relational view using a unique 7 Lens approach that he developed: Internal Family Systems; Grofian (based on the work of Stanislav Grof); Jungian (based on the work of Carl Jung); Mindfulness; Scientific; Shamanic; and Trauma/Somatic. This broad view allows him to flexibly meet clients' needs, whatever their experience, worldview, or goals may be.

Liam is drawn to tools and frameworks that work with and around the protective stories of the ego mind - psychedelics, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Experiencing, etc. - in order to target the emotional root and let our innate healing wisdom, evolved over millions of years, work its magic.

Where to Find Liam Farquhar

IG: liamfarquhar

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