Psychedelic Community Leaders Roundtable

with Paul Lisy, Brad Adams, Nadja Schollenberger, Daniel Shankin, & Paul Antico

This discussion will explore the rewards and challenges of starting and maintaining a psychedelic community as these community leaders gather to share future goals and visions. We will also discuss concerns related to the unfolding of the psychedelic renaissance and how we can address them. Let’s unite the groups/tribes in a spirit of cooperation as we work to educate the public about psychedelic medicines in a way that maximizes benefits and minimizes harm.


PAUL LISY | Documentary Filmmaker, LAMPS Partner- MODERATOR

Paul is a graduate of New York University for Film (Tisch School of the Arts), and I worked as an in-house and freelance script reader for many years here in Los Angeles, for such companies as Tri-Star Pictures, Jerry Weintraub Entertainment, Spring Creek, Badham Cohen, River Road, CIBY 2000, and many others.

He is a co-owner of - an evolving on-line stock footage site packed with film and video ranging from nitrate silent sequences to contemporary design material we are scanning to be able to offer soon in 4K. He has taken videos for his company in many locations around his country and the world.


Brad Adams

BRAD ADAMS | Founder and CEO, Los Angeles Medicinal psychedelics Society (LAMPS)

Brad Adams received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology at USC, and recently left his Clark-Kent job at the UCLA Medical Center. He is the Founder/CEO of the Los Angeles Medicinal Psychedelics Society (LAMPS), was Chair of the Los Angeles Psychedelic Science (LAPSS 2018) Planning Committee, and was again for LAMPSS 2021. Brad collaborated with Drs. Charles Grob and Dennis McKenna on a pilot study entitled Ayahuasca, Psychiatric Distress, and the Meaning of Life: Results from a Pilot Study in Peru. He is currently in the process of transforming LAMPS into a research, training and education center. Currently planning more conferences and smaller LAMPS events, he's ever on the search for amazing collaborators/co-conspirators!



Nadja Schollenberger

NADJA SCHOLLENBERGER | Co-founder, Berlin Psychedelic Society

A psychedelic enthusiast and passionate psychonaut that has traveled to various countries to work with different traditions and tribes to learn how various plants and substances are used around the globe for the purpose of healing our hearts and minds. I am astounded by the indescribable beauty and enormous potential of the psychedelic experience but also very concerned about the increase of abuse in the community and how it is being dealt with. Many people still find it difficult to speak openly about their experiences of abuse. That's why I am very interested in having an open dialog about these issues so that everyone feels safer and supported when they come forward with their stories. Therefore, my work at the Psychedelic Society Berlin focuses on finding ways to prevent harm, support victims of abuse, and hold perpetrators accountable.



IG: psychedelicsocietyberlin

Psychedelic Society Berlin (FB)

DANIEL SHANKIN | Founder, Tam Integration/Psilocybin Summit

As a psychedelic integration coach, Daniel serves people with emerging spiritual visions as they find ways to weave their new-found truths into their lives in a way that is sustainable, harmonious, compassionate and wise. He has worked people from all walks of life and is grateful to have been able to work with a diverse clientele. His methods are fiercely practical while maintaining space for mystery and magic to emerge. He offers time tested and scientifically backed tools so clients can create a life for themselves that is aligned with their deeper values and manifests measurable results that matter.

As the founder and director of Tam Integration, he’s committed to offering radically accessible and inclusive support and education for people who are wanting to transform, heal, and grow. Tam’s integration circles and online conferences enjoy a world wide audience and much critical acclaim.

He and his wife live in a tiny town in New England where they forage for mushrooms and through rocks into creeks with their toddler.


IG: tamintegration


>> The Sitting For Psychonauts Intro Course <<

When you sign up for this mini email course, you’ll get daily lessons on how to cultivate a happy, calm mindset that will support you in a psychedelic journey. You’ll get 9 daily emails with an educational video and some links and instructions for a simple yet profound practice.

Paul Antico

pAUL ANTICO | Managing Director, PsychedeLiA Integration

Paul Antico is the Managing Director of Los Angeles based PsychedeLiA Integration, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2016. He is trained as a Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Dr. Gabor Maté’s elegant and insightful approach to healing that fully supports plant medicine work. Paul is also trained as a Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Therapist, a powerful body centered trauma release modality from the Psychedelic Somatic Institute. He also provides Dr. Stephen Porges Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), a practical bottom-up approach to help people regulate their nervous system more consistently and independently. Panimus Integration is his company that provides healing services to individual clients.

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